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Prof Lickona delivers seminar on Digital Character at The Centre for Policy Studies in Education, University of Leeds


In January 2017 Prof Tom Lickona visited the Centre for Policy Studies in Education (CPSE), University of Leeds, and delivered a seminar on ‘Digital Character:  What could a school-response to the challenges of pornography look like?’. In the seminar Tom discussed why pornography has problematic consequences for young people and how teachers and parents can use character education to combat it.

A copy of Tom’s talk, as well as the handout he distributed during the seminar, can be accessed here:

Digital Character: How Can Parents and Schools Respond to the Challenge of Internet Pornography? (pdf), File Download Download seminar handout (pdf), File Download
Our photo shows Prof Tom Lickona delivering the Digital Character CPSE seminar to academics and secondary school teachers.

Our photo shows Prof Tom Lickona delivering the Digital Character CPSE seminar to academics and secondary school teachers.